Accepted material: From flash pieces to 8,000 words, literary and genre. Serialized longer pieces will be considered.

Please submit only finished work.

We are interested in a range of stories, from slice-of-life vignettes
to strong stories, fiction & nonfiction that show an understanding of character, stories in
which something is at stake for the characters or narrator

We cannot publish derivative work or fan fiction.

Please submit only one piece of fiction per reading period.


Please name your files using the following convention:

LASTNAME_Title-of-Work.doc or .docx
(We accept .doc, .docx, .wpd, .odt, .rtf, .txt files.)

Include on First Page:

- Contact Information:
Your Legal Name                                   Approximate Word Count

Physical Address or P.O. Box

Phone Number

Email Address
- Title of Work
by Your Name or Pen Name

Include in Header of Following Pages:

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.